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Our Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Vision Source Walla Walla the leading provider of vision care products and services in Walla Walla.

Our Doctors

Read more about:   Dr. Harry  |  Dr. Danny  |  Dr. Rosanne

Our Front Desk Staff

Your first stop when you visit our clinic is checking in at our front desk. One of our friendly and helpful front desk staff will make sure that all of your information is up-to-date and that we have copies of your current insurance cards. If you have any questions regarding your insurance’s vision benefits, your appointment, or your account,  they will do everything they can to provide answers.

Our Ophthalmic Technicians

Upon checking in, one of our ophthalmic technicians will guide you through preliminary testing before you meet with your doctor. This includes updating your medical and vision history, testing your peripheral vision, measuring your eye pressure, and taking pictures of your retina (which can help in early detection of eye diseases and conditions).

If your doctor orders additional testing to aid in diagnosing and monitoring various eye diseases, conditions, and vision problems, another ophthalmic technician will perform these tests with you in our special testing room.

Our Opticians

After receiving your prescription from one of the doctors, you will meet with one of our friendly and skilled opticians. Opticians help patients to be properly fitted with new eyeglasses or contact lenses. They will discuss styles and characteristics of eyewear with you to ensure that you feel confident that your unique vision needs have been met.

In addition to meeting with patients after their appointments, our opticians provide the following services for walk-in patients: adjust the fit of glasses, repair broken frames, and dispense new glasses once they have arrived in our office. We also welcome patients who bring in prescriptions from other clinics, or who return to our office at a later time or date when it is most convenient to choose new eyewear.